Monday, April 30, 2012

Writing Research - Frustration (2)

This weeks emotion is Frustration. What is the most unusual thing you've seen a frustrated person do? What was the funniest? What mannerisms have you seen associated with frustration? Best Blogger Tips

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Writing Research - Affection (3)

This week's emotion is Affection. How would you describe the internal/physical response to Affection? How does your stomach, head, etc feel when you are Affectionate? What have you noticed in others? Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Writing Research - Affection (2)

This weeks emotion is Affection. What is the most unusual thing you've seen an affectionate person do? What was the funniest? What mannerisms have you seen associated with affection? Best Blogger Tips

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Birthmarks (Appearance Question 1 of 10)

So lately I've been working on a new writing project and dealing with all the basics: What's my plot? Who's my main character? Who makes up my supporting cast?

Some people can think up a character with unique characteristics and history on the spot, but I'm not one of those people. In the interest of getting my own creative juices running and adding depth to my protagonist, I've been coming up with a bunch of questions to ask myself about my characters. Typically when I think appearance I think Height, Hair Color, Eye color, Facial hair, Build, etc...

Here's a few others . . .


(Appearance Question 1 of 10)

Image by mil8
Does He/She have one?

Not everyone has a birth mark, but I've never met someone who didn't know.

If yes, where is it? How big is it? What color: Red, Brown, Purple? Is it raised or flat?

 Do they like the mark or do they they try to hide it?
Image by The Old Adalie Plain

Is that awkward hairstyle or constant long sleeves hiding something or does he/she wear the mark with pride and fondness?

Finally, I would add moles and freckles under the heading of birthmarks. Does he/she have an awkward mole? Freckles they love or hate?

Image by theogeo

Lets humanize our characters. Thoughts?  
Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Writing Research - Shock (3)


This week's emotion is Shock.

How would you describe the internal/physical response to Shock?

How does your stomach, head, etc feel when you are Shocked?

Does your body shake or do you grow still?

What have you noticed in others? Best Blogger Tips

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Writing Research - Shock (2)

This weeks emotion is Shock. What is the most unusual thing you've seen a shocked person do? What was the funniest? What mannerisms have you seen associated with shock? Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Writing Research - Love (Romantic not sensual) (3)

This week's emotion is Love (Romantic not sensual). How would you describe the internal/physical response to romantic love? How does your stomach, head, etc feel when you are in love? What have you noticed in others? Best Blogger Tips

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Writing Research - Love (Romantic not sensual) (2)

This weeks emotion is Romantic Love. What is the most unusual thing you've seen a person do out of love? (nothing dirty please) What was the funniest? What mannerisms have you seen associated with this kind of love? Best Blogger Tips

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Writing Research - Happiness (3)

This week's emotion is Happiness. How would you describe the internal/physical response to Happiness? How does your stomach, head, etc feel when you are happy? What have you noticed in others? Best Blogger Tips

Monday, April 2, 2012

Writing Research - Happiness (2)

This weeks emotion is Happiness. What is the most unusual thing you've seen a happy person do? What was the funniest? What mannerisms have you seen associated with happiness? Best Blogger Tips
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