Monday, November 29, 2010

Writing Research - Embarrassment

This weeks emotion is embarrassment. What mannerisms or behaviors do you associate with embarrassment?

Here are some prompting questions.

How do you know someone is embarrassed?
What do they do that indicates they are embarrassed?
What do they say and how do they say it?
Do they have involuntary responses?
Is there a physical response to embarrassment that only the person experiencing it is aware of?

All insight is appreciated!
Best Blogger Tips

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Writing Research - Hate (3)

This week's emotion is Hate. How would you describe the internal/physical response to hate?


How does your stomach, head, etc feel when you are feeling hate? Do you feel sick? What have you noticed in others? Best Blogger Tips

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Writing Research - Hate

This weeks emotion is Hate. What mannerisms or behaviors do you associate with hatred?

Here are some prompting questions.

How do you know someone hates something or someone?
What do they do that indicates hatred?
What do they say and how do they say it?
Do they have involuntary responses?
Is there a physical response to hatred that only the person experiencing it is aware of?

All insight is appreciated!
Best Blogger Tips

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Writing Research – Shame (3)

This week's emotion is Shame.

How would you describe the internal/physical response to shame?

How does your stomach, head, etc feel when you are ashamed?

Does your body shake or do you grow still?

Or what have you noticed in others? Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Writing Research - Shame

This weeks emotion is shame. What mannerisms or behaviors do you associate with shame?

Here are some prompting questions.

How do you know someone is feeling shame?
What do they do that indicates the feeling?
What do they say and how do they say it?
Do they have involuntary responses?
Is there a physical response to shame that only the person experiencing it is aware of?

All insight is appreciated!
Best Blogger Tips

Monday, November 15, 2010

Writing Research - Tenderness (3)

This week's emotion is Tenderness.

How would you describe the internal/physical response to tenderness? How does your stomach, head, etc feel when you are feeling tenderness? What have you noticed in others? Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Writing Research - Tenderness

This weeks emotion is Tenderness.

What mannerisms or behaviors do you associate with tenderness?

Here are some prompting questions.

  • What do people do that indicates their feelings of tenderness?
  • What do they say and how do they say it?
  • Do they have involuntary responses?
  • Is there a physical response to tenderness that only the person experiencing it is aware of?

All insight is appreciated!
Best Blogger Tips

Friday, November 5, 2010

Writing Research - Hope (3)

This week's emotion is Hope. How would you describe the internal/physical response to hope?


How does your stomach, head, etc feel when you are hopeful? Do you feel warm inside? What have you noticed in others? Best Blogger Tips

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Writing Research - Hope (2)

This weeks emotion is Hope. What is the most unusual thing you've seen a hopeful person do?
 What was the funniest? What mannerisms have you seen associated with Hope? Best Blogger Tips

Monday, November 1, 2010

Writing Research - Hope

This weeks emotion is Hope. What mannerisms or behaviors do you associate with Hope?

Here are some prompting questions.

How do you know someone is Hopeful?
What do they do that indicates they are Hopeful?
What do they say and how do they say it?
Do they have involuntary responses?
Is there a physical response to Hope that only the person experiencing it is aware of?

All insight is appreciated!
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