Thursday, September 30, 2010

Writing Research - Gratitude (2)

This weeks emotion is Gratitude. What is the most unusual thing you've seen a grateful person do? What was the funniest? Basically what mannerisms have you seen associated with gratitude? Best Blogger Tips

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Confusion – Responses, Mannerisms, Behaviors

Thank you again to all of you who gave input! Please leave a note if you can think of anything not on this list. I would love to continue to improve it!


- Furrowed Brow
- Raised eyebrow
- Blank stare
- Closes eyes
- Squint Eyes
- Looking from left to right (as if searching)
- Slightly scrunched nose
- Tight lipped Grimace
- Open mouth
- Frown
- Broken speech
- Sigh/ groan
- Questioned response
- “What?”
- Repeat for clarification
- Pauses in conversation
- Throwing hands up
- Bang and/or shake offending object
- Become quiet
- Tilted head
- Head scratch
- Rub eyes, face, chin
- Cover face with hands
- Quizzical look
- Far away look


- Straining eyes (soar eyes)
- Has trouble completing tasks
- Internal quiet
- Focused
- Scattered
- Frustrated
- Give up on task
Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Writing Research - Gratitude

This weeks emotion is Gratitude. What mannerisms or behaviors do you associate with Gratitude?

Here are some prompting questions.

How do you know someone is grateful?
What do they do that indicates they are grateful?
What do they say and how do they say it?
Do they have involuntary responses?
Is there a physical response to Gratitude that only the person experiencing it is aware of?

All insight is appreciated!
Best Blogger Tips

Monday, September 27, 2010

Writing Research – Curiosity (3)

This week's emotion is Curiosity. How would you describe the internal/physical response to Curiosity? How does your stomach, head, etc feel when you are Curious? What have you noticed in others? Best Blogger Tips

Friday, September 24, 2010

Anger – Responses, Mannerisms, Behaviors


- All aspects of the face tend to crinkle in the middle (nose, eyes, eye brows, lips)
- Creases in Forehead
- Slanted eyebrows, furrowed in the middle of face
- One eyebrow raised
- Eyes narrow on inside corner (next to nose)
- stare or glare
- flared nostrils
- set jaw
- grinding teeth
- Frown
- Sneer
- spit flying out of mouth
- face turns red, or white
- sweat/ perspire
- become quiet
- becomes louder and louder, crescendo effect (quiet voice to yell)
- inhale loudly
- cry
- laugh
- muttering
- swear/bad language
- talk fast
- sarcasms (negative, cutting)
- snapping comments/ responses
- walk/run away
- strike out at person or thing perceived responsible for anger
- knocking things over
- slamming things
- kicking things
- hitting things
- breaking things
- clenched hands
- grabbing another person's wrists
- arms folded tightly across chest
- points/waves finger in or at someone's face, direction, etc...
- stomp feet
- raise stature to full height in attempt to tower over opponent
- move fast/ agitated
- face off opponent so you are squarely in front of them
- tries to cool off (takes off removable layers, turns on air, etc . . . in attempt to do so)
- strikes out until seeing blood (another person's or their own) 


- increased heart rate
- higher blood pressure
- blame others for feeling
- the body tenses
- feel a temporary high/rush brought on by adrenalin
- burning feeling in chest
- numbness in cheeks and jaw
- suddenly hot (need to get cooled off)
- forced patience
- a strong desire to say exactly what you think (in a deliberately hurtful manner, or simply without consideration of another)

If I've left out anything please post a note, more insight is always good!

Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Writing Research - Curiosity (2)

This weeks emotion is Curiosity. What is the most unusual thing you've seen a curious person do? What was the funniest? What mannerisms have you seen associated with curiosity? Best Blogger Tips

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Writing Research - Curiosity

This weeks emotion is Curiosity. What mannerisms or behaviors do you associate with Curiosity?

Here are some prompting questions.

How do you know someone is curious?
What do they do that indicates they are curious?
What do they say and how do they say it?
Do they have involuntary responses?
Is there a physical response to curiosity that only the person experiencing it is aware of?

All insight is appreciated!
Best Blogger Tips

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Writing Research - Anger (3)

This week's emotion is Anger. How would you describe the internal/physical response to anger? How does your stomach, head, etc feel when you are angry? Does your body shake or do you grow still? Or what have you noticed in others? Best Blogger Tips

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Writing Research - Anger (2)

This weeks emotion is Anger. What is the most unusual thing you've seen an angry person do? What was the funniest? Basically what mannerisms have you seen associated with anger? Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Jealousy – Responses, Mannerisms, Behaviors

Some Responses, Mannerisms, Behaviors of Jealous People Are:


- watch those they are jealous of
- lurk in the background
- are possessive of items, people, positions . . .
- frown
- purse lips
- narrow eyes
- avoiding eye contact
- flush red (but not out of embarrassment)


- feel empty
- feel hollow
- feel sick
- angry
- self-consciousness
- insecure

Can you think of any other Responses, Mannerisms or Behaviors?
Best Blogger Tips

Monday, September 13, 2010

Writing Research - Anger

This weeks emotion is Anger. What mannerisms or behaviors do you associate with Anger?

Here are some prompting questions.

How do you know someone is Angry?
What do they do that indicates they are Angry?
What do they say and how do they say it?
Do they have involuntary responses?
Is there a physical response to Anger that only the person experiencing it is aware of?

All insight is appreciated!
Best Blogger Tips

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Writing Research - Confusion

This weeks emotion is Confusion. What mannerisms or behaviors do you associate with confusion? How do you know someone else is confused? How do you respond when you are confused? All insight is appreciated!

The last emotion was jealousy. Best Blogger Tips
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